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Company Overview

Gorilla Empire Protection Services has been one of the most trusted names in the security industry. We've worked with a number of different artists, athletes, celebrities, entrepreneurs and more. Not only are we recognized in the US for our quality services we're also known abroad in a number of different countries that we've traveled to. Hire us and we'll get the job done effectively, precisely and just the way you like.

Home: About

Services Provided

We have the experience, skills and necessary training to get the job done.



Professional drivers and Black car service.



Armed agents and Security Guards for clubs, bars, restaurants and lounges.


Tour & Festival

We have provided our services on over 20+ tours and festivals in the US and abroad.


Exec. Proection

Need personal protection? We have the right security for you.


Overseas travel

We have traveling experience as well, we have traveledto over 15 different countries.


Private Events

Big or small, inside or outside we can provide you with the best safety for any private event.


Bodyguard SERV.

Don't put security at the bottom of your priority list, make it your priority.



Do you have a commercial building or private property that requires protection? We cover that as well.

Home: Services

In 2018 owner Stephen Coleman was presented with the opportunity to be on his very own solo tour as a personal bodyguard. There was only one thing holding him back, he was working a full-time security guard position at a drug and alcohol treatment center in West Philadelphia. A really close friend of his "L" called him about the opportunity to work with a Pop group called "Jack & Jack". He quickly accepted the job without having confirmation from Human Resources. That same day he asked his supervisor and HR supervisor if it was okay to take the 2 week long job and use all his remaining paid time off. Both parties told him "If you take that tour you won't have a job here to come back too". He knew he would take the job because he was already being paid close to no money for the hard work he was doing and barely had any time off. With all of those things going on at work on top of being a father of 2, struggling to pay bills and rent that was his motivation to take a leap of faith and trust in god. Three years after walking out of that job he was blessed with the opportunity to start his own company because of the clientele he generated while on tour. He made a promise to his mother and siblings that he would carry her legacy and put his family in position for a better future and generational wealth.

Philly Fame Interview

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